The Mission - to fundamentally change the way a gun stock interacts with a shooter…and we have. The Sisk Rifles product line is, without a doubt, an industry game changer— not only in the field of riflery, but also sport shooting, combat long guns, archery and more. Sisk Rifles was founded in 1988 in Crosby, TX, by Charlie Sisk. Having built his first rifle at age 14, Charlie has spent a lifetime understanding and designing gunstocks that not only fit the shooter, but also fit shooting from unconventional positions and adapt to all aspects and challenges of shooting, no matter what the application. He has made some of the best high-end rifles for hunting and dangerous game, but has shifted his focus to LE markets. Charlie Sisk is an authority in the Custom Rifle Industry and is the author of "Selecting and Ordering a Custom Hunting Rifle". As an inventor, author, pilot and life-long hunter, he has 7 patented inventions with more pending. Sisk Rifles has been featured in over 75 major articles in various shooting/hunting magazines, in virtually every shooting magazine in circulation. Charlie Sisk has over 7 figures and an uncountable amount of time invested in order to design, patent and bring to market the future of the way a gunstock interfaces with a shooter.