Charlie Wythes

Partner at Sprout Agribusiness - Yass, New South Wales, AU

Charlie Wythes's Contact Details
+61 1300 149 409
New South Wales,Australia
Sprout Agribusiness
Charlie Wythes's Company Details
Sprout Agribusiness logo, Sprout Agribusiness contact details

Sprout Agribusiness

Yass, New South Wales, AU • 29 Employees
Financial Services

For Agribusiness Financiers and Advisers SproutAg is a specialist professional services company that provides support services to leading agribusiness financiers and family business advisers across Australia. SproutAg provides back-office support and aggregations services as well as industry training and performance coaching. This allows those businesses to quickly grow as we believe in being business owners and simply not self- employed. This is supported by our leading Agribusiness CRM, buying power, positioning/ branding in the market place, people and various platforms that allow those professionals to concentrate on their clients. The Growth in our businesses is typically eight to nine times industry peers. Sprout Ag has successfully supported seven business owners to transition from a Banking career to independently owning their own business/region, navigate the start-up phase and now growing rapidly. Our owner-managers are more satisfied than working for a “corporate” as they are economically better off and have more flexible lives that allow them to spend more time with their families. We are proud of the number of jobs that SproutAg has created in regional Australia. For Growers and Producers SproutAg is a specialist agribusiness financier and adviser and our managing partners work with families who are growing and are typically aged between 25 and 65. Our clients value our extensive networks and different options in agribusiness finance and also take on board our advisory services that ultimately allows them to "grow the pie" and continue to hand that business on to the next generation. 1300 149 409

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Details about Sprout Agribusiness
Frequently Asked Questions about Charlie Wythes
Charlie Wythes currently works for Sprout Agribusiness.
Charlie Wythes's role at Sprout Agribusiness is Partner.
Charlie Wythes's email address is *** To view Charlie Wythes's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Charlie Wythes works in the Financial Services industry.
Charlie Wythes's colleagues at Sprout Agribusiness are Carly Lazzarotto, Tracey Gibson, Tamara Miller, Brecken Curtis, Chris Bailey, James Littlejohn, Peter Hollingworth and others.
Charlie Wythes's phone number is +61 1300 149 409
See more information about Charlie Wythes