The Green Kiss is a green beauty company committed to inspiring our communities to use the healthiest and most effective personal care products possible. We offer products from North America's top green beauty brands, through our online store which ships across Canada and the USA and through our brick and mortar in Victoria BC.Our mission is to lovingly inspire Canadians to take care of their skin, bodies and families with products that are healthy and effective both for themselves and the environment. For those new to green beauty, the principle goal is to reduce the toxic load that many may be unintentionally applying to their bodies, and in turn washing down into our ecosystems.The business is built on creating goodness in the world and making massive positive impact and change. Our love for our individual community members, for humanity, and our eco-systems are what drives everything we do. The Green Kiss is based in Victoria BC with a brick and mortar store and HQ at Uptown Shopping Centre and is entering into its 10th year of business. We owe our longevity to our commitment to healthy beauty, to our people, and to the incredible connections we get to make in our community here in Victoria, and across Canada.