Weird Friends Club is a clothing brand from Southern California whose community is a proud group of weirdos. We make weird t-shirts, weird hats, weird apparel, and weird accessories for you and your weird best friends. If you identify yourself as being one of those weird friends, then we welcome you to join our club.Weird Friends Club is more than just t-shirts, hats, hoodies, etc., it's meant to unite a community whose members identify themselves (and are damn proud) with being weird, different, awkward, odd - for those who don't always fit in and are not interested in the norm. It's a reflection of our personal journeys and those of you who make the world a weirder place.Joining Weird Friends Club is all about expressing yourself for anything and everything that you are - weird and all. Are there moments in your life when you hesitate to do something, say something, or be who you genuinely are because of fear of judgement? We say f that. Why curtail those attempts to be uniquely you? This club is a welcoming invitation to be yourself! Our hope is that it gives you motivation to live this life as you see fit and not care about what other people think or say - because, fug 'em. Standing tall and proud as a Weird Friends Club member, we hope you find a little boost in confidence in being 100% you and are happy in your own skin. That means dressing however you want, behaving in your unconventional ways, and feeling satisfied doing your own thing - even among friends, family or strangers who might not understand.Raise that weird flag high and be proud of who you are. Weird is good. Weird is life. And life is weird!Here's to the weirdos.