Chelsea Gillen

Events Manager at Cure Duchenne - Newport Beach, CA, US

Chelsea Gillen's Contact Details
Cure Duchenne
Chelsea Gillen's Company Details
Cure Duchenne logo, Cure Duchenne contact details

Cure Duchenne

Newport Beach, CA, US • 50 - 99 Employees

The global leader in Duchenne research, patient care and innovation, CureDuchenne is committed to finding and funding a cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy while delivering the education and resources to support patients, families, caregivers and healthcare providers.Founded by Paul and Debra Miller in 2003, after their son was diagnosed with the disease, CureDuchenne combines fundraising and venture philanthropy leveraging donor dollars to maximize support for promising research into effective treatments for those suffering from Duchenne. With transparency as a core value, investment proceeds are redeployed to support research and other mission critical programs to find a cure.

Non-Profit Nonprofit Organization Management Health Fundraising Organizations
Details about Cure Duchenne
Frequently Asked Questions about Chelsea Gillen
Chelsea Gillen currently works for CureDuchenne.
Chelsea Gillen's role at CureDuchenne is Events Manager.
Chelsea Gillen's email address is *** To view Chelsea Gillen's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Chelsea Gillen works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Chelsea Gillen's colleagues at Cure Duchenne are Greg Freeman, Kelly Crow, Dreama Whitlock, Heather Medlin, Tim Sullivan, Kent Mora, Nancy Young and others.
Chelsea Gillen's phone number is ["+19495408058"]
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