Are you seeking reasonable alternatives to conventional medicine for protecting your family's health? Do you wish to hasten your recovery from injuries, surgical or otherwise? Are you disappointed in the options being offered by Big Pharma and the medical industry? Do you want to break the cycle of dependency on pharmaceuticals?JWLABS has been the leader in Rife Technology since 1987, garnering a long history of helping thousands of people who are either critically ill or seeking to protect their future health and wellness.We strive to provide the information, knowledge and support you need to make an educated decision about what's right for you with respect to Rife technology. Our mission is to make quality Rife therapy affordable enough for the patient to take home. We have advanced the technology to provide the best of the old and the new, maintaining the integrity of the original analog signal which was significant to Dr. Rife's results.Take the Alternative Road to Optimal Well-Being with JWLABS Rife Machines!