Home to Big Box Records, Big Box Productions, VOTA (formerly known as Casting Pearls). Also the sole production company of the international educational non-profit "The 180 Tour."About VOTA:Much has happened since VOTA's INO Records debut album release. Some of the highlights include: a top 10 radio single, four consecutive national tours with bands Sanctus Real, Tenth Avenue North, Newsboys, Barlow Girl, and Superchick, a trip to Europe, the startup of a touring/production company, and the launch of a non-profit called The 180 Tour that has performed over 350 character based assembly programs in public high schools in over 30 states... and VOTA is just getting started. As momentum builds, VOTA continues to define its bold and mysterious name on a path all its own, and those who come in contact can't help but follow.