St. Luke's offers quality health care to uninsured Spartanburg County residents. The clinic meets their need for primary medical care, physician-ordered medications, pastoral support and patient education.Services such as X-rays and laboratory tests, inpatient and outpatient procedures are provided by Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System and Mary Black Memorial Hospital. Referrals for specialized care are made through a network of participating physicians. Crucial medications are dispensed at St. Luke's Pharmacy. Some are donated by local physicians and pharmaceutical companies, but many must be purchased for our patients.Our MissionThe mission of St. Luke's is to change the lives of Spartanburg County residents who lack access to healthcare by providing a collaborative, compassionate and innovative medical home.Our VisionThe vision of St. Luke's is to be a model among free and charitable clinics for the delivery of quality healthcare.Our ValuesWe believe that all citizens deserve access to quality medical care, regardless of ability to pay. The Clinic is committed to providing compassionate care to individuals with unmet healthcare needs in an environment that maintains the dignity of each patient.