Guest Relations Specialist at Mr & Mrs Bund by Paul Pairet / VOL Group - Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Opened in April 2009, Mr & Mrs Bund is French, in the manner of Paul Pairet: born, traveled and globally stamped. Retro, yet contemporary. Relaxed, without sacrificing an ounce of chic.A democratic flourish that embraces the classics of the world; an extensive menu that anyone will recognize; a festive, shared experience that reflects a fun personality – Mr & Mrs Bund goes beyond modern French, it makes retro timeless. 开设于2009年4月,Mr & Mrs Bund 提供流行的法国与国际性菜式,由名厨 Paul Pairet 重新演绎,家庭式的服务风格与摩登的用餐环境相得益彰。自由繁盛,以国际宏观表达料理名著;包罗万象,容易辨识理解的菜单;热闹分享,活泼氛围反应了一贯的风趣性格 - Mr & Mrs Bund 不只是个当代法式餐厅,它让重温经典永保流行。