Established in 2009, Pinobal is the premier technology solutions provider in the MENA region. We develop and distribute innovative and sustainable technology solutions for a range of business needs, enabling people and organizations to be more efficient in how they operate.Pinobal Telematics can help your company find the right fleet tracker for your needs. Pinobal Telematics believes that smart fleet management depends on practical and customizable data accessible from any place at any time. Our company's software provides key vehicle information that leads to imroved decision making, intelligance management and increased fleet efficiency. Every vehicle is a huge asset, and every driver represents major overhead, so it makes sense to reach for every advantage. Our company's products and ongoing improvement aim to addresss major functional concerns such as cost savings and fuel waste reduction with an effective software solution that speaks to individual business demands, regardless of fleet size.At Pinobal, we have the expertise, experience and talent to deliver solid business results. We thrive on identifying business challenges and developing clever, practical solutions to help our clients achieve outstanding technological and business success..