PREF, LLC (Preferred Real Estate Funds, LLC) is a privately held real estate firm that preserves and builds wealth for private real estate owners by providing and implementing independent and objective solutions that align with each client's personal situation. As an essential component of a balanced portfolio, real estate that is purchased correctly and managed properly, can be a lucrative, long-term investment vehicle. We generate success because we listen. We customize. And then we implement an objective plan that aligns with identified goals. Value is delivered through three primary business services: Asset Servicing, Investments and Tax Credits. We work for any person or group that has a real estate ownership interest. As an engaged, yet objective advocate, we are a critical member of the complete advisory team that identifies and implements sensible real estate solutions. So, who's guiding your real estate?Company Contacts:Steve Rothschild, 404-496-6848 Ext. 801 Stan Sonenshine, 404-496-6848 Ext. 802