Operations at Chinese Building Association of NSW - Concord West, New South Wales, Australia
Chinese building Association of NSW was established in January 2020, the association is dedicated to empower members, empower the construction industry and empower the local community. The association aims to create a professional platform for communication to help members grow their business and to help the industry become better.As the only industry body that serves the building and development industry in Chinese Community, we have gained 325 member businesses(as at 31/3/2022) including developers, builders, contractors, suppliers and other professionals and 16,000 followers across all platforms.新州建筑协会创建于2020年1月,本着"求知,合众,兴产业"协会宗旨,截止2022年3月底,已经有超过325家企业会员加入, 包括接近110家的开发商和建筑商,接近120家的承包商和供应商,以及接近50家的各类包括设计师,工程师等服务商,覆盖了绝大多数华人在建筑和开发行业的知名企业和精英人士。