Adapt Research is born to deliver social impact benefit. To bring a ray of hope in the times of global environmental crisis, we tried to read between the lines and realized that much of the issue at hand is lack of sensitivity and awareness, or just complacency. Do we leave it to the governments to handle the crisis or should we take charge and initiate change at the grassroots level? Regardless of what the big businesses believe and what the governments regulate, Adapt Research has taken a step forward with a vision to undo the damage, one solution at a time.Our first product Nami is a Potassium based hydrogel with excellent water retention capacity. Nami absorbs, stores and releases water in slow and sustained manner. Nami holds water in the upper layer of the soil and releases it when soil moisture drops down. During the process, Nami prevents water loss which otherwise would have been lost by evaporation or gravity.Nami can be used either directly in the dry form or in the gel form (after hydrating with water). From ease of application point, it is recommended to pre-mix Nami with water and apply in the gel form. Nami can be used in agriculture, horticulture, gardens, lawn and trees.Nami is completely safe and non-toxic. It works as reservoir of water in the soil. It does not harm the land or environment. Nami prevents crop loss from water irregularities, requires lesser amount and frequency of water which saves water, labour and electricity cost. Slow and sustained release of water through Nami provides optimum condition for healthy growth in the every stage of a plant's life cycle. This results in improvement of quality of crops and increased yield.