Established in the year 2016, as a new age broker, PlusmyFX endeavors to serve you the best trading platforms enabled with optimized cost pricing, exceptional customer support service, deep liquidity and fast execution. Clients receive unique service: our official website has been localized into 6 languages and we offer client support in 6 languages, including 24/5 support in six languages (English, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic and Japanese) And, of course, one of the main advantages trading with PlusmyFX is the instant withdrawal of funds using a number of electronic payment systems, providing traders with around-the-clock control of their trading accounts' funds. PlusmyFX also offers lucrative institutional services, including an array of Introducing Broker (IB) agreements, Regional Business Partnerships, Affiliate Programs and White Label Partnerships; all of which are tailored to each specific trader's needs and strategies.And as we continue to develop, so too will our offerings and technologies; giving traders the opportunity to make the most of the currency market.Foremost, PlusmyFX strives to deliver the best trading experience backed with strong risk enforcement factors which is entrusted by Plus Group.MissionOur Priority – Client SatisfactionAs echoed by our company values, we understand the importance of integrity and commitment to you as a client and believe that success comes from having a long-term vision, especially when it comes to relationship building and aim to surpass your expectations by providing a secure, comfortable, and reliable trading environment – Your trust in us is fundamental. And we uphold these same standards to our brokers. I invite you to browse our website and discover who we are and learn more fully how PlusmyFX can advance your trading and business needs.