Infrastructure Finance Advisor at United Kingdom Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility - , ,
The United Kingdom Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility (UKNIAF) is a UKAID funded programme implemented by Tetra Tech International Development. Building on the lessons learned during the first two Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility programmes (NIAF 1, NIAF 2), UKNIAF commenced in October 2019. The programme, which will run for four years, is set to end in September 2023; with a possible two-year extension thereafter. UKNIAF aims to improve the delivery and management of Nigeria's infrastructure. It is a flexible, rapid response, demand-led technical assistance programme that primarily supports the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN), with potential support to sub-national governments. Part of UKNIAF's focus is on improving investments in and ultimately increasing access to new and improved socially inclusive, climate compatible infrastructure. The programme's outcomes will contribute towards an increase in job creation, poverty reduction and socio-economic growth.These outcomes will be delivered through three component areas: Power, Roads and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs).