Postural tachycardia syndrome is an abnormality of the functioning of the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system. Patients can be very disabled by their symptoms. Fortunately, for many patients, symptoms will improve with a combination of life style changes and medication. However some will have problems over many years.Many health care professionals do not know that PoTS exists and so may not think of the diagnosis.***In January 2010 Susan Whitfield set up a facebook group to bring together people throughout the United Kingdom with PoTS to provide mutual support.While in hospital Sue was introduced to Lorna and together a plan was hatched to create a website as a resource for people with PoTS and medical professionals. With support from Sue, and the Cardiology team in Sheffield, Lorna gathered people from various sources including internet support sites and PoTS UK facebook group to form a team of keen and willing volunteers. We now have a great team of trustees many of whom have a medical background. We also have a growing team of medical advisors with an interest in PoTS.We aim to produce information which reflects current evidence-based medicine and strive to enhance our reputation as a reliable and authoritative source of PoTS information.* All medical information is approved by two of our medical advisors. * As of the 2 October 2011, PoTS UK became a small charity and registered with HMRC for gift aid purposes.* PoTS UK has been affiliated with STARS (Syncope Trust and Reflex Anoxia Seizures) since April 2012.* February 2013 PoTS UK became a member of the Information Standard. * As of April 2013 PoTS UK was accepted as a member of The Specialised Healthcare Alliance (SHCA) which is an independent organisation made up of patient groups who campaign on behalf of patients with rare or complex medical problems. * PoTS UK was registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales on the 6 January 2015.