Chloe Kim

Inside Sales/ Purchasing & Export at IKT USA Inc. - Richmond, TX, US

Chloe Kim's Colleagues at IKT USA Inc.
Julie Kim

Sales Coordinator

Contact Julie Kim

Chloe Kim's Contact Details
Houston, Texas, United States
Chloe Kim's Company Details
IKT USA Inc. logo, IKT USA Inc. contact details


Richmond, TX, US • 5 - 9 Employees

IKT USA Inc., We are a group of experienced location specialists capability of fulfilling any request for a wide range of exotic, hard to find special metals of the highest quality. We are available 24 hours a day throughout the year to handle any emergency request. We currently ship products to over 25 countries in Latin America, Europe, the Far East, and South Asia. Our staff is versed in English, German, Spanish, Japanese, and Korean. We are well prepared to respond with promptness to any international inquiries. IKT USA Inc., では、アメリカやヨーロッパから特殊鋼を輸出/調達しています。もしお手伝い出来る事が有りましたら、何時でもご気軽にご連 絡下さい。お待ちしております。IKT USA Inc., Se especializa es la exportación tuberias, conexiones y otros materiales derivados del acero de paises como Estados Unidos, Canada y la Unión Europea. Abasteciendo desde hace 30 años a la inudstria, petrolera, petroquímica, eléctrica, e hidráulica con productos de alta calidad.

Details about IKT USA Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Chloe Kim
Chloe Kim currently works for IKT USA Inc..
Chloe Kim's role at IKT USA Inc. is Inside Sales/ Purchasing & Export.
Chloe Kim's email address is *** To view Chloe Kim's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Chloe Kim works in the Import/Export industry.
Chloe Kim's colleagues at IKT USA Inc. are Julie Kim and others.
Chloe Kim's phone number is N/A
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