D'Omkara Accountants help you to ensure that all legal taxation requirements are met and then we use our expertise to ensure that valuable opportunities are not overlooked. Both internal and external legal professionals are consulted to complement advice where appropriate.We can help you pay as little tax as legally possible and take the worry out of running your business. We can assist with Individuals, Partnerships. Companies, Trusts, and Self-Managed Super Funds.Taxation services include:• Income Taxes• Goods and Services Tax• Fringe Benefits Tax• Capital Gains Tax• State taxes, including Payroll Tax, Land Tax, Workcover and Stamp duty• Superannuation and SIS legislation• Substantiation requirements• Tax Planning and Maximising Deductions With tax and regulation rules constantly changing you deserve peace of mind. D'Omkara Accountants is committed to actively attending professional education programs to keep abreast of all the changes in the Australian Taxation System. We strive to improve our knowledge and expertise to ensure we excel in, and provide, the very best accounting, taxation.Tax planning:Tax planning has critical implications for the cash flow of any business. We recommend that all clients prepare interim financial statements in March each year so that the anticipated tax liabilities can be determined thereby providing time to implement effective strategies. Our goal is that you are not surprised and that ongoing tax liabilities are recognised early and incorporated as part of your businesses ongoing budgets.We meet with or telephone our clients in April to May for a year-end tax planning meeting.We will support you before and during taxation or GST audits.How does your existing accountant measure up?Contact us today for a no obligation and cost free, initial discussion about our services. This free introduction will help you decide whether the services we offer are right for your needs.