We're an independent NZ owned company specialising in the provision of business & information technology consulting, to help grow your company's business potential. We deliver leading edge solution services to both the public & private sectors.We've been providing Consulting and Managed IT services for more than 10 years, engaging over 50 consultants in key roles. Our high quality consultants include IT Managers, Business & Organisational Change Managers, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery specialists, Enterprise & Solutions Architects, Business & ICT Strategists, Programme & Project Managers, Business Analysts, Developers, Test Analysts and iMIS professionals. Zephyr Consulting is a truly independent organisation, we have no ties to any vendor, thereby making us well placed to provide your company with impartial advice.Programme and project delivery is one of the stand out areas for us. We also offer services for organisational change management, business continuity management, independent assurance, strategy development and software development. Zephyr is also an authorised iMIS support partner and can provide ongoing support for iMIS Engagement Software. Our Consulting Services includes:- Business Planning- Governance- Business and IT Consulting- Quality Assurance- Business Cases- Reviews- IT Strategic Planning- IT Auditing- Tender Management- iMIS SupportOur Zephyr Support team provides high-quality managed IT services to our clients ranging from ad-hoc/on-call services to a fully managed in-house IT service where Zephyr Support essentially becomes the IT department of your business. Our team of certified engineers have a wide range of skills and expertise across a range of products including Microsoft, Citrix, Cisco, VMWare and iMIS. Zephyr is also a licence provider of Office 365.If you are a Company or Organisation looking to engage or a Consultant looking for a role contact us -hello@zephyr.co.nz | 04 473 2737