Swiss Precision, LLC is a design and manufacturing company whose primary focus is on solving complex consumer product problems, for a variety of lifestyles, with design and feature innovations, and improvements in the health, medical, and sports markets. Our main goal and mission are to set the bar of excellence the Swiss way.The Swiss Precision logo is a trademark in Switzerland, allowing us to bring innovations, craftmanship, high-quality, and unique designs that surpass the customer expectations. Hence, why the Swiss cross with over 100 years of excellence has stood up to its reputation as the best in the world. Swiss Precision has followed this formula and mantra.Enjoy our products and services as they enhance your life.Swiss Precision LLC will continue the tradition of Switzerland known for innovations, high-end craftmanship and quality with the "World's first medical scrubs designed with Copper Embedded inside the DNA strand of the fabric mixed with organic materials (Cotton, Bamboo, Hemp, Linen) all blended in one." This will allow our Front-Line workers and essential workers in many industries all the benefits from these patented Copper embedded/mixed materials. CopperActive™ embedded copper and organic scrub apparel line for doctors, nurses, and front-line workers will change the industry standards for medical clothing and fashion accessories in these marketplaces. At the same time the customers can look fashionable and with the technology in the materials.Swiss Precision has created this unique combination of copper embedded DNA technology with organic materials for a medical apparel marketplace that is growing YoY by 5.6% and is already double high double digit billion-dollar industry!