In 1984, with Vincent and Maria Agbayani as its only two employees, Agbayani Construction Corporation commenced its humble beginnings. It built its foundation as a quality construction firm dedicated to custom, residential remodels and additions to existing structures. In expanding to General Construction and competitively bidding on commercial and government projects, Vincent Agbayani added the necessary elements to the company that would eventually become one of the largest minority owned construction firms in Northern California. More than 30 years of experience are characterized by a constant desire for more education and information. An undergraduate of Engineering, Vincent Agbayani advanced through the ranks to become Chief Engineer at Lonestar Industries. With his career path still ahead, he developed a new process and attitude for the construction industry. Recognizing the needs of both customer and worker, Agbayani saw a more complete picture of the industry elements necessary for efficiency and complete satisfaction, hence the beginning of Agbayani Construction Corporation.