Chris Baker

Senior Historian at PaleoWest LLC - Phoenix, AZ, US

Chris Baker's Contact Details
PaleoWest LLC
Chris Baker's Company Details
PaleoWest LLC logo, PaleoWest LLC contact details

PaleoWest LLC

Phoenix, AZ, US • 100 - 249 Employees

PaleoWest is a solution-driven heritage consulting firm serving clients throughout the United States and internationally. Founded in 2006, we work on behalf of clients in the public and private sectors who need their projects guided through the regulatory challenges posed by prehistoric, historic, architectural, ethnographic, and paleontological resources. The firm was founded on the principle of providing the very best consultants to our clients. PaleoWest places emphasis on supporting clients' needs, fostering new technologies that advance our industry while better protecting its fragile resources, and promoting professional development within the framework of innovation and forward thinking. We pride ourselves on being the most innovative team of problem-solvers in the business, leading to better products and more efficient services. One such example is development of a fully digital workflow for data collection and management; we call it The PaleoWay, and it was the first of its kind in the United States.  At PaleoWest our goal is to create an environment where our employees feel valued, respected, and motivated and where they enjoy what they do. We offer generous compensation and benefits. Come join us!

Cultural resource management consulting Cultural Resource Management Historic Preservation Archaeological Assessment and Mitigation GIS Analysis and Cartography Aerial Imagery and 3D Modeling Section 106 NAGPRA and CEQA Consultation Paleontology Waste/Recycling/Environmental Environmental Controls Environmental Services
Details about PaleoWest LLC
Frequently Asked Questions about Chris Baker
Chris Baker currently works for PaleoWest.
Chris Baker's role at PaleoWest is Senior Historian.
Chris Baker's email address is *** To view Chris Baker's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Chris Baker works in the Environmental Services industry.
Chris Baker's colleagues at PaleoWest LLC are Breeanna Charolla, Genevieve Pennanen, Julie Duggins, Andrea Bastidas, Heather Young, Patrick Byrne, Katherine T. and others.
Chris Baker's phone number is 602-261-7253
See more information about Chris Baker