Lotic Consulting is focused on helping clients measure and use results to improve program effectiveness and efficiency and to make better resource allocation decisions. We do this by applying the theories and principles associated with the results-based management paradigm. Results-based management is a high-level management philosophy encompassing: • Setting of strategic objectives; • Program design; • Program implementation; • Measurement and reporting, and; • Program adjustment (re-setting strategic objectives using information). Most of our work takes place at the measurement and reporting stage of this cycle, primarily through activities associated with performance measurement and program evaluation. We also work with clients at the strategic level, to use performance and evaluation information to examine and adjust strategic objectives. Lotic Consulting is now also developing an innovative participatory approach to creating causal models for programs and policies. We are pioneering the application of cognitive mapping, fuzzy logic and graph theory to the areas of program theory and policy development. These techniques allow us to help clients produce qualitative causal models that are far superior to many of the standard program evaluation and policy modeling techniques currently in use.