Infinity Learning is a BEE Solutions Provider. We help our clients to achieve the best BEE level possible, save cost and reduce hassle while at the same time make a huge difference in the lives of thousands of people by assisting our clients to implement Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD), Socio-Economic Development (SED) and Skills Development (SD) Programmes. Enterprise Development - Infinity Learning has developed a three phased approach to Enterprise Development which combines business simulation workshops, training sessions and a coaching and mentoring programme. Supplier Development - Through the relationships that we have developed with the entrepreneurs that are part of our ED programme, and through aligned entrepreneur databases, Infinity Learning is working with our clients to implement Supplier Development solutions aligned with the requirements of the Amended BEE Codes. Socio-Economic Development - Through The Bookshelf Project, Infinity Learning has a vision to impact literacy in South Africa and other under-privileged areas. To achieve this, The Bookshelf Project distributes mini-libraries to underprivileged schools and centres. Infinity Learning has a goal to distribute reading books to over 250,000 children over the next three years and to inspire a love of reading. www.bookshelfproject.orgSocio-Economic Development - Through the Infinity Learning Breakthrough Programme, which enables children and adults to study more effectively by using structured learning strategies, we have a vision to work with thousands of students, to help them to achieve greater academic success. Utilising multiple tools and structured learning methodologies, learners are empowered to take control of their own learning goals and address the issues that have been holding them back.