Founded in 1948, Heid Music has locations in Appleton, Green Bay, Madison, Oshkosh and Stevens Point. Currently celebrating 70 years of making music! Heid Music continues to be a complete music resource, aimed at educating and entertaining students and musicians in all things musical. Take Personal Ownership - Be a Part of the Solution- Communicate- Work as a Team- Drive, Inspire & Participate in Change- Develop Personally & Professionally- Deliver Bravo Service- Educate & Entertain- Stive Towards Profits & GrowthMission: To bring happiness &help improve the quality of life through music and music education. To contribute and be responsible to the communities in which we serve. To promote & support music education. Heid Music is proud to continue our focus on music education and being a collaborative partner to drive music appreciation & engagement. Visit to learn more.