FOR SALE LOCAL publishes popular local papers for one purpose. To inform you of the best deals on almost everything you need or want. Deals on food, clothing, transportation, housing and just about anything you can think of. So whether you are looking to go out for dinner or need a new kitchen to cook that Delicious meal in, you will find it here in FOR SALE LOCAL. Expect to find deals on almost everything. Sales at local businesses, Auctions, Garage sales, Estate sales, Coupons, Free give aways, are just some of the things you will see in our publications. There is just too much to list. We expand our publication each month, so you will always find new deals in each issue.Of course we bring you more than just ads. In each issue you will find:Informative articles on:•How to save money on things you need.•Television shows like American Pickers, Storage Wars and Extreme Couponing.Columns by staff writers like:•"Ask a SHOP-A-HOLIC"•"FUNNY PAPERS"•"BUY OF THE MONTH"•"GET OUT OF TOWN"Even focus articles on Local Artists and Local Bands.Always something new and interesting in every issue.The FOR SALE LOCAL publications are distributed FREE of charge in thousands of local business establishments in your community. Can't find a copy? Every issue is also online!We are a local business and rely on the support of local business. We have many programs suited to the specific need of your business. If you own a business and would be interested in advertising contact our marketing department. A local Representative will give you and your business the personal attention you deserve.