Interior & Exterior Painting Services---------------------------------------Exterior Painting ServicesPreparation, priming and painting toWood, Stucco, Hardi-Plank, & Aluminum/Vinyl SidingPreparation, priming and painting toWindows, Doors, Trim, Railing, Fencing, Sheds, Garages, Barns Preparation, priming and painting toMetal – Railings, Balconies, Flashing, Fencing, Light postsRefinishing of Decks with Tung oil, Semi-transparent and Solid stains Application of specialty coatings toPorch Floors, Stairwells, Ipe floors, Patios, Gazebos All manner of common Carpentry Repairs Power-washing Walkways & ExteriorsInterior Painting ServicesPreparation, priming and painting to all wall substrates - Plaster, Drywall, Shiplap, Wainscoting, Paneling, Block Preparation, priming and painting toWindows, Doors, Door Frames, Baseboards, Built In Cabinets, Kitchen & Bathroom Cabinets, Stairwell Banisters, & RailingsStripping of failing finishes, old finishes, and stainsRefinishing stained wood with Stain, Varnish, or Tung oilAll manner of common Carpentry, Drywall, and Plaster RepairsColor Consulting, color samples, and color matching