Great strategy leads to great creativity, producing great results. This three-part mantra is something we tell ourselves as much as we reiterate it to our clients. But we don't just verbalize that notion. We live it. Through such practices as strategic research, media neutrality, and innovative problem solving, we maximize our efforts to achieve optimal results for our clients. Preferred Future®It sounds simple, but the results are profound. Our branding experts and facilitators help you clearly define where you want to be at a pre-determined point in the future. It then becomes our job to build a bridge between where you are today and where you want to be. That's our definition of Preferred Future.Problem Solving Company®That's what we do: solve problems. To do so, we utilize everything from branding and advertising to web development and public relations. We help businesses communicate effectively—whether it's B2B or B2C. Anyway you look at it, we're in the business of solving problems.In 2016, we added neuromarketing to our services. Using biometric measurements, our approach to neuromarketing allows us to evaluate a target market's reaction to messaging and media. For example, we can tell what people are likely to see (gaze patterns), their level of excitement (pupil dilation) and emotional engagement (facial coding), whether they are taking in the message (heart rate variability), and their level of arousal (galvanic skin response). This increases our ability to predict whether our messages, in whatever medium, will have the desired effect on the target audience or audiences.