The Australian Acoustical Society aims to promote and advance the science and practice of acoustics in all its branches to the wider community and provide support to acousticians.The Society was formed in 1964 when meetings were held of people interested in acoustics and vibration. The Society was incorporated on 1 April 1971 as a public company. Divisions are active in all Australian States.Its members practice or study acoustics across a wide range of fields including:Architectural Acoustics - Environmental Noise - Marine Acoustics - Engineering Noise Control - Occupational Noise Management - Physiology of Hearing - Audiology Studies - Musical AcousticsThe Society:- Provides a source of expertise in acoustics to the public, private corporations, small business, the legal system, standards organisations and government- Encourages interaction between practitioners of the various branches of acoustics- Arranges for its members a variety of activities including divisional meetings, technical talks, on-site visits, seminars, equipment demonstrations and social functions- Publishes "Acoustics Australia", Australia's only technical journal devoted entirely to issues related to sound, noise and vibration- Organises an annual conference, usually with a special theme and rotating between the member states- Organises and facilitates international conferences held within Australia, to encourage internationally recognised experts in various fields to visit Australia to provide the Society with the benefits of their knowledge- Works with national and international standards and policy-setting bodies, such as Standards Australia.Those interested in working in the field of acoustics should review current job opportunities and how to become a member on the AAS website ( Further information is also available on the Association of Australasian Acoustical Consultants (AAAC) website (