We specialise in 3D laser scanning to allow accurate digital recording of buildings, landscapes and complex structures to create as built CAD drawings, models and animation. Laser Scanning is ideal for use in situations where detailed 3D measurements need to be taken and accurate 3D models created.Our scanner can be used externally or internally to capture existing information, which can be anything from mechanical plant rooms through to historical monuments and buildings. It allows a digital model of an object to be created via computer software, quickly and accurately with all measurements and points having an actual geometric reference. This model can then be used to accurately measure, plan, design and develop from. The relatively new technology of 3D imaging and laser scanning is essentially the rapid capture of three-dimensional data using laser beam signals reflected from an object or surface. We are able to offer both time and money savings whilst delivering greater accuracy for anyone requiring a non contact measurement survey.We are predominantly used by Architects, Interior Designers, Construction Companies, Engineers, Enviromental Agencies, Archaeologists.We are able to create BIM (Building information modeling) models from our 3D measurement surveys.We have a team of experienced engineers, technicians and BIM specialists who deliver the highest standards for our clientsContact our team to discuss your requirements.www.metrocad.co.uk@MetroCAD_UK