We are an FAA certified part 65 Aircraft Dispatcher school that's raising the bar for the product it delivers.We maintain an unmatched 100% pass rate on the final FAA oral/practical certification exam. No other school boasts such a high number. This is because we put our students into the final exam -knowing- they will pass, instead of -hoping- they'll pass!We train with such high standards because we want our students to shine and stand head and shoulders above their competition. Passing the FAA exams is one thing, standing out in interviews and getting hired at a high paying airline is another!That's why tuition includes our interview and assessment test prep class given the day after graduation. Here students learn more than the FAA curriculum dictates. We learn how to interview successfully (HR and dispatch methods) and pass both personality and dispatcher assessment tests. Our interview program is proven to deliver results at major airlines! Don't take our word for it though, check out our reviews! https://www.adtcdallas.com/reviews