We Provide The Quickest Deployment Of Fire Protection & Flood Reduction Equipment. Over The Harshest Terrain & Longest Distances In An Effort To Save Lives & Property. Our system will directly inject water into the atmosphere lowering the temperature & raising the humidity.FireHeavy fuel loads in our forests, more citizens seeking a wilderness lifestyle, dryer/longer years and evasive insects degrading the moisture content, all surmount to large scale fire storms. Fire & Flood Emergency Services offers a means to access water over vast distances in excess of 45 miles to build a water curtain barrier as a buffer to slow the firestorm activity. The fire agencies also have the ability to tap into the mobile hydrant system through our manifold systems for further fire suppression activities reducing water shuttle intervals as well as reducing manpower & personnel exhaustion.FloodInadequate infrastructure for drainage during emergency events such as tsunamis, heavy snow melt, heavy rain fall and hurricane surge are common for many parts of the world. Fire & Flood Emergency Services have the means to redirect water to safer areas within a very short timeframe.ServicesWe offer custom solutions for all the following areas from consulting to equipment supply to manpower and logistics;Municipal CommunitiesGovernmental AgenciesWood Production PlantsRailway SystemsMining OperationsRanch LandsPrivatizationPROACTIVE VS REACTIVEMunicipality & Government ServicesPROACTIVEA solution to the most challenging urban interface properties. Hard line construction, permanent water storage tanks, hard mounted cannons with 360 rotation. 100% coverage of home or asset. REACTIVEGiving a fire department or municipality the ability to rapidly deploy the largest front line fire suppression system on the market. With miles of deployable hose, patented mobile manifold mounted cannons & state of the art satellite integrated pumps. This is the line fire will not cross.Fire-flood.com