Jitjatjo is the leading Staffing Marketplace & Workforce Management Platform.Connecting talent to shifts is what we do, it's not who we are. We exist because we want to help people reach their potential. We want talent to feel valued. We believe that everyone needs a champion, needs to feel seen, needs to feel heard, and needs to be believed in. Jitjatjo is Human Powered and our mission is Human Betterment.APPS'Ondemand by Jitjatjo' extends your team and resources your business in real-time. Jitjatjo's thriving community of talent is available 24x7 to help you cover call-outs, no-shows, or provide the extended team you need to boost your service quality.'Flex by Jitjatjo' the app for talent seeking flexible work and Instant Pay! Flex offers gig opportunities in hospitality, healthcare, education, facilities, retail, and logistics. Flex is the gateway to joining Jitjatjo's community of talent seeking a better life.'Network by Jitjatjo is the leading workforce management platform and Talent Marketplace for the enterprise. Using Network, you'll accelerate Talent acquisition, optimize internal scheduling, increase performance/productivity, increase employee happiness and tenure. Network also leverages the power of Jitjatjo's staffing marketplace as required to provide additional staff ondemand