President of Jardur Watches has announced that after almost 50 years, the Jardur aviation chronograph is back in production incorporating all of the materials and manufacturing technology, which has become available to the watch making industry. The Jardur aviation chronograph is an historical marque in the timeline of the mid 20th century. The original Jardur 960 Bezelmeters, which surface from time to time, are easily recognized as a serious instrument with a special purpose. The Jardur watch company was started by Samuel Klepper in New York City, NY in 1937. Samuel was a pilot and the watches he designed were for a special class of users for whom the management of time was an important element of their profession. Samuel also developed a line of aviation accessories including course plotters, calculators, and protractors under the name Jardur to assist pilots in mapping flight plans. Jardur distributed its watches and navigational flight plotters exclusively to the military through post exchanges and ships stores, clear evidence that the Jardur watch company regarded their watches as professional tools. Now, a newly formed company pays homage to the original Bezelmeter 960 with the introduction of a modern version which incorporates all of the advancements in materials, manufacturing methods, and design features which comprise state-of-the-art watchmaking.