With over 40 years of combined Strategic Pricing experience across multiple industries, The Pricing Cloud seeks to serve customer needs by matching the right Pricing expertise to the right Pricing opportunity. Our nimble "cloud-based" structure combined with our diverse "best in class" Strategic & Scientific Pricing experience provides us the ability "to be as small as we can be and as big as we need to be" in order to provide to you the right pricing solution when you need it and how you want it. This structure keeps our engagements fluid flexible and malleable, thus delivering you a low cost high value experience that maximizes scalability and minimizes time to market.We target those customers not wanting to pay for the overhead of larger consulting firms nor needing a comprehensive "off the shelf" pricing solution provided by some of the leading software providers. Rather, we provide customized solutions in short bursts of time, or in longer term multi project engagements, depending upon the customer needs.