We have been supporting people in financial need in Kensington since 1629. We prioritise achieving results for families and individuals whether we give support to them directly or fund other organisations to help them. We want to help individuals and families to make a real difference to their lives. We recognise that making a change is not easy and takes time. Once we know that a family or individual fits our criteria we want to stay in touch and continue to help them with any obstacles they may face. Our goal is to help people to reach a point where they no longer need us. Our grants officers visit every household; we believe that forming a relationship is the first step in understanding a family's needs and finding the best way to help them. For young people thinking of university we have the Campden Scholarships, under which we offer financial support for accommodation, and a student grant, if they fit the criteria. For working age people with directly vocational objectives we can help with advice, course fees to improve skills, child care, fares, interview clothes and many other expenses. For people of working age who do not yet feel ready for work we can provide other forms of support and advice through our Gate Advice project. We pride ourselves on working with people in need all the way from families with young children to people of a pension age. For all our beneficiaries we provide debt advice through our partner organisation Nucleus.