Heavy Oil Solutions is an oilfield technology services provider with technical roots at one of the U.S.'s preeminent national research labs. The Company's patented, licensable supercritical process and engineered system helps heavy oil and bitumen producers optimize the balance between affordable energy supply and environmental stewardship. HOS technology takes steam-assisted-gravity-drainage ("SAGD") produced water, historically a problem, and makes it part of the solution. Transforming the water recovered from the formation to partially upgrade the oil, the oil becomes more valuable and transportable without costly flow assurances. Through the same process, clean water is returned to the formation as steam for enhanced recovery. Since the oil requires less processing downstream, and produced water is converted to steam utilizing the same energy input, carbon dioxide emissions are greatly reduced compared to current full cycle production methods. The technology's closed loop, single process operation holds the potential to simplify all surface operations to well pads, thereby eliminating capital intense centralized surface processing.