Intelligent Automation Solutions Lead at BIAMI.IO - Intelligent Automation - London, ENG, UK
Companies struggle to win in competitive markets because of one very important element that is a bottleneck today - an employee. People spend too much time doing their daily tasks, every day in the same way, over and over again... and they're stuck!At BIAMI, we change that and turn your employees into managers of their workplaces to deliver 10X performance improvement within your value proposition, operations and growth teams.Fortunate to be trusted by a number of large organisations including Orange, Procter & Gamble, Tesco and BNP Paribas, we help many business leaders from small and medium-sized companies too.With our 10X strategy and using our own intelligent automation software framework, we help our customers to build AI-assisted, business process-driven software, platforms and robots to run their business processes at scale and in a very cost-effective way to deliver the 10X performance within the specific business area.Examples of our platforms include: - Intelligent Business Services to help companies start offering subscription-based value proposition in an "as a service" model, running in the cloud, - Intelligent Automation Lab to innovate and reduce internal bottlenecks with business process automation at scale,- Intelligent Business Development for the sales teams to stop worrying about the sales pipeline and future revenue predictions.Sounds interesting?Book a 30 minutes discovery meeting at for us to learn about your business, discuss the challenges and plan for the 10X performance improvement in the value proposition, operations or growth.