office manager and executive assistant to chief executive officer
MicroSeismic services provide vital data to enable the maintenance, healthy and vitality of your investment.MicroSeismic, Inc. began with a mission to bring passive seismic technology to the oilfield. Our vision of areas to apply the technology included wellbore stability in tectonically active areas, monitoring of CO2 sequestration, enhanced geothermal systems, disposal wells, production, and reservoir stimulation. The shale gale that blew in during the mid 2000's overwhelmed us with demand for our services and soon 99% of our business was frac monitoring. Today the priorities have changed and while frac monitoring is still a business driver for us, the opportunities are opening for us to revisit our original vision of practices to pursue. Importantly, the experience of the past nearly 20 years will allow us to perform projects in these other areas efficiently and effectively.Our expertise and experience allows us to apply passive seismic techniques across a wide spectrum of problems relevant to the oil field and beyond.