QA and Data Analytics Specialist at Mains'l Services at Mains'l Services - Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, US
Since 1989, we’ve been a leader in person-first solutions for people with varying abilities. We partner with like-minded agencies through innovative financial management services, organizational development, person-centered practices, mental and behavioral health supports, and cutting-edge software for financial management services and person-centered planning. We know that people flourish when their lives are filled with meaningful relationships and activities of their own choosing. That’s why we offer completely custom, person-centered services and serve as a navigator to people and agencies as they chart their own course. Our vision is a world where people live with meaning and purpose. Our mission is to offer innovative supports to people, responding to their hopes and dreams. We believe in making the world a better place for all people. At Mains'l, this is embodied through collaboration, teamwork, and partnerships; growth and fulfillment; diversity, equity, and inclusion; living where and with whom they choose; sailing their own boats with the people and services they choose; user-friendly tools, information, and resources; engaged people with meaningful work; and the principle of "One world, one Mains’l." One of our guiding principles is giving back – to the community, to like-minded organizations around the world, and wherever our employees and those we support find value in their lives.