Christian Landeros

Especialista en marketing digital at Consultor de Marketing Externo - , ,

Christian Landeros's Contact Details
Ciudad de México,Distrito Federal,Mexico
Consultor de Marketing Externo
Christian Landeros's Company Details

Consultor de Marketing Externo

, , • 24 Employees

Consultor externo de Marketinga diversas empresas de diferentes sectores en ámbitos como el marketing estratégico, planes de marketing o marketing digital

Details about Consultor de Marketing Externo
Frequently Asked Questions about Christian Landeros
Christian Landeros currently works for Consultor de Marketing Externo.
Christian Landeros's role at Consultor de Marketing Externo is Especialista en marketing digital.
Christian Landeros's email address is *** To view Christian Landeros's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Christian Landeros works in the industry.
Christian Landeros's colleagues at Consultor de Marketing Externo are Walter Alechinsky, Leon Queiroz, Fabian Stolle, Marcelo Dobarro, Carlos Gomes, Elmar Santos, Gelmancito Perez and others.
Christian Landeros's phone number is
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