Christian Markle

Pastor at Maranatha Baptist Church - Ridgewood, NY, US

Christian Markle's Contact Details
Phillips,Wisconsin,54555,United States
Maranatha Baptist Church
Christian Markle's Company Details
Maranatha Baptist Church logo, Maranatha Baptist Church contact details

Maranatha Baptist Church

Ridgewood, NY, US • 20 - 49 Employees
Religious Groups

If you are seeking to worship and discover God, away from the crowd, in the intimacy of a family-like community, you're in the right place. We're a Romanian Baptist Church in Ridgewood who seeks to know God and to make him known. We're looking forward to meeting you! Dacă vrei să te închini și să-L cunoști pe Dumnezeu mai mult, departe de mulțime și în frumusețea unei comunități mici, ai ajuns unde trebuie. Suntem o Biserică Baptistă Română în Ridgewood, care caută să-L cunoască pe Dumnezeu și să-L facă cunoscut. Abia așteptăm să te cunoaștem!

Religious Institutions
Details about Maranatha Baptist Church
Frequently Asked Questions about Christian Markle
Christian Markle currently works for Maranatha Baptist Church.
Christian Markle's role at Maranatha Baptist Church is Pastor.
Christian Markle's email address is *** To view Christian Markle's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Christian Markle works in the Religious Institutions industry.
Christian Markle's colleagues at Maranatha Baptist Church are Kathy Wolfe, Josh Middaugh, Alex Weatherbee, Margie Tennyson, Allen Maxwell, Pastor Kenoyer, Terra Ross and others.
Christian Markle's phone number is N/A
See more information about Christian Markle