SOLve Awards and Evolusie 3.8 have collaborated to run the 2022 SOLve Awards on November the 10th 2022. The search is for global champions lighting the path for the future of our world working to solve critical problems that we face today in our environment. The SOLve Awards Prize is not only an economic prize; we deliver value through connections and mentorship helping the winners accelerate their development and growth process.We are looking for gamechangers committed to investment their life to benefit people and the planet with solutions that are innovative, disruptive, sustainable, scalable using technology to achieve growth of at least 10x times.The awards were created by Evolusie 3.8 to harnesses and connect efforts working to create synergies from different players of the ecosystem such as governments, policy makers, social organizations, enterprises, academia, researchers, agencies, entrepreneurs and of course the consumers in Mexico and across the world.