Involve.Solutions has been powering interactive marketing since 1999. Founded in Australia, it has successfully commercialized research and technical development in digital communications to become a leading international solutions provider.The client base covers a variety of industry sectors in North America, Australia, Europe and Asia. The award-winning interactive marketing solution Involve is a proven success. This unique solution simplifies the management of running complex digital marketing campaigns, empowers organizations to better understand and profit from their customer and business relationships and, importantly, provides significant resource savings. Additionally, Involve.Solutions designs, develops and delivers services across a variety of digital fields, including mobile and online, combining an own proprietary technology with best-of-breed open source solutions.With an extensive international experience, provides consulting on progressive eStrategies, assisting organizations to expand their presence in an ever-changing technological world.Involve.Solutions continually strive to better understand the underlying relationships between people and technology, so that its communication solutions and products reflect the ever-changing, multi-national face of society; after all, different people communicate differently.