Co-Founder at CRE Connect Summit Virtual Edition: Building a Resilient, Sustainable and Smart DMV, Together - Washington, District of Columbia, United States
The CRE Connect Summit was created for developers, investors, and the public sector who want to be in the know on the most pertinent topics and outlooks impacting the DMV's commercial real estate market (and it's for a cause)!Join us as we bring together the region's top economists, developers, public officials, and brokers on a range of topics from the evolution of the Amazon effect, the changing landscape of retail, the truth about public-private partnerships, the hype around smart cities, today's must-have CRE technologies and products, and more.Each year, a percentage of the proceeds will benefit a local non-profit partner organization. This year we are proud to call the Lourie Center for Children's Social and Emotional Wellness headquartered in Rockville, Maryland our cause partner. The Lourie Center has served as a regional leader in trauma-informed care services, training, and research for children from birth-11 years old.