Shareks, LLC manages stock portfolios for clients on a fee basis. Types of accounts managed include IRAs, Individual accounts, joint accounts, trusts, and corporate accounts. .David Sharek is one of Wall Street's premier stock portfolio managers, averaging a return of 24% a year his first five years as a portfolio manager. He believes that corporate profits (earnings) ultimately drive the prices of individual stocks and has developed a system which he believes allows him to find tomorrow's stock market winners today.As the brokerage industry evolved to an environment where more and more investors were managing their own accounts, David realized many people were left without a trusted source they could rely on. Meanwhile, Sharek's managed portfolios owned many good stocks the general public was unaware of. So in 2006, Sharek developed, a guide the individual investor could use to manage their own accounts, read articles on new up-and-coming companies, see the stocks David owned in his managed accounts, and download the Growth Stock Newsletter over the Internet each month.David Sharek's investment strategy is outlined in his autobiography The School of Hard Stocks.