Christine Bomstad

Key Account Manager & Marketing Manager at ButikkDesign Norge AS - Verpet, Viken, Norway

Christine Bomstad's Contact Details
ButikkDesign Norge AS
Christine Bomstad's Company Details
ButikkDesign Norge AS logo, ButikkDesign Norge AS contact details

ButikkDesign Norge AS

Verpet, Viken, Norway • 8 Employees

ButikkDesign Norge AS, er ett av Norges eldste butikkinnredningsfirmaer. Selskapet ble først etablert i 1992 og har siden da vært en nær samarbeidspartner til de største dagligvareaktørene i Norden. Ut fra mangeårig erfaring og kunnskap, har man vært en meget sentral samarbeidspartner i de største utrullinger/omgjøringer i det norske og danske dagligvaremarkedet, de seneste år. ButikkDesign Norge AS , one of Norway's oldest shopfitting firms. The company was first established in 1992 and has since then been a close partner of the largest retail companies in Scandinavia . Based on many years of experience and knowledge , there has been a very important partner in the largest deployments / reversals in the Norwegian and Danish retail market in recent years.

Details about ButikkDesign Norge AS
Frequently Asked Questions about Christine Bomstad
Christine Bomstad currently works for ButikkDesign Norge AS.
Christine Bomstad's role at ButikkDesign Norge AS is Key Account Manager & Marketing Manager.
Christine Bomstad's email address is *** To view Christine Bomstad's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Christine Bomstad works in the Retail industry.
Christine Bomstad's colleagues at ButikkDesign Norge AS are Frank Bomstad, Vibeke Bjorgan, Jan-Kare Roso, Geir Askland, Arne Ludvigsen, Unni Karlsen and others.
Christine Bomstad's phone number is 64950700
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