Enright Court Reporting offers extensive experience in providing court reporting services for all types of pre-trial proceedings and legal matters. Known for its professionalism, reliability, and accuracy, Enright establishes a new standard of excellence in court reporting. Well regarded in the industry, the agency has been involved with a number of professional activities including publication of their article, Ensuring an Accurate Transcript, in the Journal of the New York State Bar Association, board member status on the advisory board of the Long Island Business Institute, a proprietary college offering academic degrees in court reporting, and a highly-regarded intern and mentoring program for attendees and graduates of accredited court reporting schools. Serving Long Island, White Plains, and the five boroughs, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island, Enright records testimony for a diverse range of cases including personal injury, EBTs, EUOs, 50(h) hearings, medical malpractice, Workers' Compensation hearings, products liability, matrimonial, and corporate law. In every job assignment, the reporter's skill is matched to case requirements ensuring the highest degree of accuracy and efficiency. Enright offers complimentary deposition suites in Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island and has assisted clients with out-of-area and/or out-of-state depositions. Additional services include the ability to schedule video depositions with transcript synchronization, interpreters, document translation services, word indexing, ASCIIs and condensed transcripts. A digital web-based transcription service is also available 24/7 for reports and general correspondence. Enright also offers resources for litigation support including graphic services. "We value our clients and are committed to the court reporting industry. For those reasons, we continually seek ways to enhance our services while ensuring quality," said Colleen West, Founder and President of Enright.