Director, Special assistant to the CEO,Director of General Administation at UHT Unitech Co., Ltd - , Taoyuan City, Taiwan
IM / HM Carbon Fiber Turnkey SolutionUHT conducts IM/HM carbon fiber manufacturing with revolutionary MICROWAVE Ultra-High Temperature graphitization technology.UHT can enchance CF's strength & modulus at one process by innovative and patented equipment solution.Visit website永虹先進材料在2011成立於臺灣桃園,主要專注于中高階碳纖維生產,技術團隊來自臺灣工研院材化所。2016年轉型為高性能碳纖維產銷供應商,用全球獨創之超高溫微波加熱技術,可保證將低階碳纖維性能提升至中高階,並透過中高階碳纖維生產解決方案的整廠產出,協助客戶突破材料設計的限制,生產出低成本、高性能的碳纖維產品。歡迎造訪