Equinox.co.za is a FSB registered linked services provider and 13b retirement funds administrator. This means that you are able to buy, sell and switch between South African registered unit trusts direct via Equinox.co.za and benefit from the bulk rates that a linked services provider qualifies for. Equinox.co.za direct trading functionality allows the investor to choose to avoid intermediary fees by making their own choicesPerformance data, underlying holdings information, fund manager interviews, fund manager mandates and regular newsletters with information across the widest variety of unit trust funds are just some of the tools we provide to assist with your research, comparisons and the decision making process.Once you registered and submitted the required FICA documentation your account is activated and you are able to view your unit trust or retirement fund portfolio 24/7. You have access to your tax statements online as well as detailed transaction statements where all fees, market values and transactional functionality is made available to investors. We are very proud of our unique electronic bulk trading systems, developed since 1999, with our main aim and focus to be able to operate our services with little human intervention and a convenient and simple investment experience. Transfer your existing unit trusts now; it is easy and free with no capital gains implications as the unit trusts remain with the same fund manager.